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    (Alternative names) Influenza B; Influenza A; flu; Asian flu type B; Asian flu type A; Asian flu (Legend) Process by which a virus enters a host cell and infects it by reproducing its own genetic material and assembling into virus particles. The influenza virus is a class of viruses containing RNA as its hereditary material. It replicates by entering a host cell and using this cell's resources to produce hundreds of copies of the viral RNA. The virus attaches to the outside of the host cell and its RNA enters into the cell. The viral genes are transcribed and translated by the cell's enzymes and ribosomes. In this way, the virus takes over the cell's productivity. Now, instead of producing only new cellular material, the cell produces hundreds of new virus particles. The new virus particles are eventually released from the cell and drift off, and some may land on a host cell of their own to pirate. (Definition) A viral infection of the respiratory tract that causes fever, headache, muscle aches, and weakness. (Causes, incidence, and risk factors) There are three types of influenza virus. All are spread from person to person by inhaling infected droplets from the air. Type A is usually responsible for the large outbreaks and is a constantly changing virus. New strains of Type A virus develop regularly and result in a new epidemic every few years. Types B and C are fairly stable viruses. Type B causes smaller outbreaks, and Type C usually causes mild illness similar to the common cold. The incidence is 7 out of 1,000 people. (Prevention) Anti-influenza vaccines (flu shots) are recommended annually for people who are 65 years of age or older, anyone with chronic heart or lung conditions, and those living in institutions. The vaccine has a 60 to 70 percent success rate in preventing infection. Can influenza be prevented? The best protection against the flu is an annual influenza shot. Virtually anyone who wants to avoid contracting the flu can receive a shot. When is the best time to get vaccinated? The best time to get vaccinated is early October to mid-November. However, if you miss your flu shot in November it is still not too late to obtain one. It takes approximately two weeks after vaccination to develop antibodies against the flu to provide protection. Flu season generally begins in December and peaks between January and March. How has vaccination proved effective? According to the CDC, the influenza vaccine has been shown to reduce hospitalization by about 70 percent and death by about 85 percent in the free-living elderly. Among nursing home residents, vaccine can reduce the risk of hospitalization by about 50 percent, the risk of pneumonia by about 60 percent and the risk of death by 75 to 80 percent. According to a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, influenza immunization offers substantial benefits for healthy, working adults. Flu shots decreased upper respiratory illness by 43 percent, work absenteeism due to all illness by 36 percent, and physician office visits for upper respiratory illness by 44 percent. Based on these outcomes, direct medical savings attributed to immunization were estimated at $5.99 per person vaccinated, and indirect cost savings -- including work loss averted by immunization -- were estimated at $40.86 per person vaccinated. Why is it necessary to get a new vaccine every year? Different influenza strains circulate every flu season. Based on government recommendations, manufacturers develop each year's vaccine with the three strains of influenza that scientists have predicted to be most common in the coming flu season. The strains from one year's vaccine can not offer immunity to the strains that predominate the following year. In addition, vaccine-induced immunity decreases after a few months. As a result, in order to be properly protected, it is necessary to get vaccinated every year. Who should be vaccinated? Influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons 65 years and older and all persons who are considered to be at a high risk for developing complications from the disease. High risk groups include persons who have: chronic disorders of the pulmonary or circulatory systems, including asthma; a chronic medical condition that compromises the body's ability to fight infection; residents of nursing homes and other chronic care facilities housing patients with chronic medical conditions; and women who will be in the second or third trimester of pregnancy during a flu season. Vaccination is recommended for groups that can transmit influenza to persons at high risk, such as health care workers and employees of nursing homes who have contact with patients or residents. In addition, vaccination is recommended for anyone who wishes to avoid flu. What are the side effects of the vaccine? The most frequent side effect of vaccination is soreness at the injection site. Occasionally, some people experience a period of mild fever and fatigue for a day or two after the shot. Rarely, an allergic reaction reaction may occur. Since the vaccine is not a live vaccine, it is not possible to get influenza from the vaccine. Who should not get the vaccine? Individuals with egg allergies or those who have had a previous vaccine-associated allergic reaction should avoid immunization. Adults with acute febrile illnesses should usually wait until their symptoms abate before seeking vaccination. However, vaccine may be given in the presence of minor illnesses, with or without fever, particularly among children with mild upper respiratory tract infections or allergic rhinitis For older individuals who have been exposed to the virus, the drug amantadine may be given to prevent them from actually getting the flu. This may also be used for treatment. (Symptoms) fever cough with or without mucus nasal discharge headache muscle aches and stiffness shortness of breath chills sweating fatigue malaise stuffy, congested nose throat, sore skin, clammy nosebleed - symptom nausea & vomiting joint stiffness elbow pain appetite, loss abnormal taste (Signs and Tests) nasopharyngeal culture throat culture influenza complement fixation febrile/cold agglutinins blood differential (Treatment) The goal of treatment is to alleviate the symptoms. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. Bed rest, analgesics (pain killers) for muscle aches and pains, and warm fluids may help to relieve the discomfort of the symptoms. Amantadine (antiviral medication) may be indicated for the elderly and people with heart or lung conditions, who face increased risk of more serious illness associated with influenza. Expectations (prognosis) Symptoms usually go away in 7 to 10 days. In rare cases, influenza may cause a severe pneumonia that may be fatal even in healthy adults. (Complications) secondary bacterial infection bronchitis pneumonia (Calling your health care provider) Call the health care provider if symptoms of the flu do not improve after 7 to 10 days, or if cough becomes productive of brown or green sputum, or if difficulty breathing develops.